The Need

Denver-based architecture firm rowland+broughton is well-loved for their luxury designs across a variety of project types such as hotels, restaurants, office buildings, and more. In 2019 it was becoming clear, though, that the firm needed to utilize a different approach for marketing to its high-end residential home clients – essentially shifting from B2B to B2C marketing within the same operation. This meant an evaluation of materials and messaging across digital and print marketing platforms to ensure that the right approach was being utilized to serve the particular, discerning consumer audience at hand.

the solution

r+b hired Curated Communications, along with our creative partner Blue Linen Creative, to lead the effort to correct this particular area of their marketing practices. Through a focused project aimed at reinventing their residential home print portfolio we were area to set a new direction for both the visual storytelling and written messaging for this important audience. The final portfolio content was then extrapolated into use across digital and new business proposal platforms as well.

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